Ducks and Sheep and Cats, Oh My.... Polders Poelgeest Oegstgeest Netherlands

Ducks and Sheep and Cats, Oh My...

Not only is Holland rich with history but it is also rich with birds! With such an incredible expanse of water the area just beckons for waterfowl, and waterfowl it has! In the states it is common to see Canada Geese and possibly Snow Geese during the winter months. But in the Netherlands it is common to see Barnacle Geese, Greylag Geese, Egyptian Geese, Canada Geese, Pink-Footed Geese and many more I am sure I have overlooked. Not to mention the Mute Swans, Black Swans, Whooper Swans, Tundra Swans, just an amazing amount of of waterfowl and I have barely scratched the surface!

Our most recent photographic journey took us to Polders Poelgeest in Oegstgeest Netherlands. When you first walk up to this polder you are struck by the noise - gulls, geese, swans - it is so loud and constant, but wonderful because you know you are out enjoying the beauty of nature! And at this time of the year, yes they were all busy making more nature! Everywhere you turned around a duck was being chased by many drakes, the Great Crested Grebes were under a bridge, the Black Headed Gulls were flirting, chasing and yes - catching the females! And if they weren't creating young ones then there was a good chance they already had young ones, and oh yes, they too are everywhere! Not only the baby Coots, but baby Geese and baby Sheep, well technically lambs... But everyone has their little ones!

So enjoy our images of nature in all her beauty, in the old and the new and the ones about to be born...








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